On Sunday the 28th of August 2016, 120 cyclists from 13 countries will set off from Trim, Co. Meath to tackle what is one of the toughest cycling events in the world. Solo racers and relay teams of 2, 4 and 8 people will begin the Race Around Ireland and the Irish Ultra Challenge. Both events are Ultramarathon Cycling World Cup events and the Race Around Ireland is the highest ranked race in the World.

The racers and their support crews of more than 350 people will set off from Trim Castle and from there they will complete a full lap of the country in an anti-clockwise direction, before finishing in Moynalty, Co. Meath for the first time in the 8 editions of the Race. The Race Around Ireland covers a distance of 2,200kms while the Irish Ultra Challenge turns at Galway to head eastwards across the country to finish after a distance of 1,100kms.

The route will take the racers through 6 cities and hundreds of towns and villages. Along the way it will take in stunning scenery as it passes sites of historical and cultural significance. From the UNESCO World Heritage area of Brú na Bóinne, through landscapes which will be familiar to fans of Game of Thrones and on to Malin Head. The race will then turn south to travel through the National Parks of Connemara, the Burren and Killarney. After turning once again at Mizen Head the racers will make their way along the south coast to Wexford where it will turn north through the final challenges of the Wicklow Mountains before a fast run to the finish.

The Race has gained a fearsome reputation throughout the international Ultramarathon Cycling community, in part because of the sheer amount of climbing involved. While much of the route is undulating it also features some of the monuments off Irish cycling such as Mamore Gap, the Gap of Dunloe, the Caha Pass, St. Patrick’s Hill, Slieve Mann and the Sally Gap to name but a few.

During the race the progress of the racers can be followed online via live GPS tracking and every bit of support they get along the way is fuel to help them make it to the finish of what is regarded as one of the toughest competitive sporting events on the planet.

The full route will be released in the coming weeks and for more details on how the event works and to check out the heroes who are taking part please visit www.racearoundireland.com