Cycling Ireland is pleased to confirm this morning that Cork City Council’s insurance brokers have confirmed they have received sufficient clarification from CI’s brokers O’Driscoll O’Neill on the insurance cover issues raised,  and have agreed in principle with them, on the necessary steps to enable Cork BMX Club use the BMX Track and allow other cycling events take place in Tramore Valley Park.


Speaking today Cycling Ireland CEO Mat McKerrow said: “We’re very pleased the issue has been able to be resolved, and a clear path is now in place for usage of the facilities in Tramore Valley Park – for the benefit of Cycling Ireland members and clubs. We’ve some resulting paperwork to do, but will get this actioned swiftly so the interruptions to the clubs and events can be lifted. I’d also like to thank the members, clubs and volunteers for their patience through what has been a frustrating time – and we look forward to renewed activity in the Park”.


Members of Cork BMX Club were notified of the good news at their AGM last night and all are looking forward to being back on the track in 2020.

Stephen McClew from Cork BMX stated: "I’m relieved that the insurance issue has been ironed out and thrilled at the prospect of getting Cork BMX Club back onto the track”.