Welcome to “Safe Tips for Cycling Trips” a new feature for Cycling Ireland’s social media and website. The road safety pointers put out will apply to different scenarios and to different categories  of riders, from once-in-a-while commuters to committed bike enthusiasts. While many of the tips might seem obvious to those who spend a lot of time on the bike, it’s good to focus on them from time to time, as it’s often the simple things that catch even the best of us out! Enjoy cycling and stay safe on your bike.

Here are some  general tips to think on;

·        KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON ALL AROUND – scan continuously and shoulder check regularly

·        Expect other road users to make mistakes – hope they are aware when you make an error of your own

·        Plan ahead – try to anticipate conditions and adjust speed, gears, positioning etc. in advance

·        Be wary of indicators which are often misused, or NOT used by drivers

·        Remember, the Rules of the Road help keep everyone safe on the road, so cyclists  need to know the rules and apply them

·        Keep SAFE STOPPING DISTANCE and remember the actual distance will vary depending on surface and weather conditions, and the speed you are travelling at

·        A mantra for the road – SEE, HEAR, ASSESS, ACT

·        Stay aware on your trip, things change all the time and unexpectedly