Cycling Ireland Statement

Cycling Ireland regrets to confirm that Sean Lynch of Drogheda Wheelers died on Thursday 9th May following injuries sustained during the Frank O’Rourke Memorial race in Camaross Co. Wexford last Sunday.

Cycling Ireland wishes to pass on their deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to Sean’s family and his many friends in the road racing community, particularly his club Drogheda Wheelers and to Navan Road Club, our thoughts and prayers are with them at this very sad time.

Cycling Ireland wish to thank Wexford Wheelers and Drogheda Wheelers for all the assistance to Sean’s family and friends over the last number of days. This is a very difficult time for the Cycling community but the support to everyone involved with this tragic accident from the wider cycling community has been very much appreciated.

Funeral arrangements are available to view here:

Ar dheas Dé go raibh a anam