Where were you born and what is your Ireland connection?

I was born in Melbourne and live here also. All my family before me were from Ireland. Mum and dad came out in their twenties.

How did you get into cycling?

I got into cycling through a knee injury I sustained while playing netball and at the time I was top 800m runner and was told to get on a bike for rehab.

What’s the highlight of your career so far?

Being selected to compete in Rio at the Olympics is certainly up there haha but my bronze medal as an 18 year old in the U23 Euros scratch race was a great ride.

What does a training day look like for you?

My training at the moment is 3-4 times on the track a week based around both acceleration and strength work and also heavy and plyo training in the gym.

Have you any particular psyche up routine for racing?

I love my music prior to racing I'm a bit of rapper pre race haha so Nicki Minaj and Eminem slip into my playlist. Plus my hair and makeup is my feel good preparation with my trust fishtail braid haha

Where are you training right now?

I'm currently in Melbourne with a race on the 22nd and 23rd before flying to Portugal for a 5 week training camp on the 27th of June.

What exactly is Keirin racing?

It is a form of motor paced event in which athletes sprint for victory following a speed-controlled start behind a motorized or non-motorized pacer. The bike pulls off with 2 and half laps to go and it's all go to the finish.


You qualified the spot at the World Championships, what does it mean to be the first female track cyclist to be going to the Olympics?

It's crazy I'm still on cloud nine. To think I'm gonna be an Olympian gives me goosebumps still. But still focused on my goal and not letting it affect my training and preparations.

Track cycling is quite big in Ireland – what’s it like training with the Irish squad?

It's great we have a really supportive group with athletes like Josie Knight coming through the ranks just out of juniors now and Lydia Boylan and Felix English both getting some solid results in the bunch races through the season. It's really pushing forward. Brian Nugent has certainly brought our group along so much over the past two years. And it's such a great environment to be training in when everyone has the same goal.