As you may know Cycling Ireland is a proud Member of the 20x20 movement which is championing women and girls in sport and physical activity in Ireland. The movement's three goals: a 20% increase in participation, a 20% increase in media coverage of women's sports and a 20% increase in attendance at women's sporting events, can only be achieved with your help.


20x20 is currently focused on Skills and how the lack of visibility of women's sporting skill has lead to misconceptions. 20x20 wants to change that misconception and make women's sporting skills across all sports more visible. Together, Cycling Ireland and 20x20 are asking all women and girls in Ireland at all levels and abilities across all sports to Show Your Skill by posting a 20 second skills video on social media using #CantSeeCantBe


How you can help?

  • Share this message in your clubs and with your members encouraging them to participate. 
  • Everyone can get involved and have an impact (coaches, officials, volunteers, cyclists, women and men, boys and girls): helping to choose the skill(s), practicing(!), spreading the word to female peers, maybe even getting a group together to Show their Skill and hold the phone for the 20 second video to be recorded!  
  • Here is the 1 minute inspiring video which has more details - please feel free to share this on your social media channels and show it to your members also:
  • Feel free to post a skills videos from your respective club to inspire your members to do the same and give them ideas for their videos using #CantSeeCantBe