Sport Ireland and Cycling Ireland have announced that Paracyclist James Brown has committed a violation of Article 2.3 of the Irish Anti-Doping Rules – Evading Sample collection, or without compelling justification, refusing or failing to submit to Sample collection after notification as authorised under these Rules or other anti-doping rules.

The violation refers to an incident on 2nd February 2016 when Brown did not provide samples in an out of competition test. Brown, who was a bronze medal winner at the Paralympic Games in London, admitted promptly to the violation, which resulted in a decision by Sport Ireland to rule on a period of ineligibility for him of 2 years and 6 months which will expire on the 23rd August 2018.

The official Sport Ireland statement can be accessed HERE, and the details of the reasoned decision can be accessed HERE.

Cycling Ireland are disappointed that an Irish cyclist, and in particular a rider with the experience of Brown, would break the anti-doping rules. Education is provided to all athletes, especially to those in the high performance system. Cycling Ireland has zero tolerance for any violation of the anti-doping rules by cyclists.