The Meath Heritage Cycle Tour takes place on Sunday 29th July 2018 with the 11km Family Spin taking place on Saturday 28th July 2018.

Entry Fees

Click here to view Entry-fees

Early Bird is open until
Thursday 19th July. Standard entries close Thursday 26th July.

*Cycling Ireland members can avail of a 10% discount on their respective entry fee. Membership number to be completed on entry form and proof of membership produced at sign-on.

Online Entries

Click link to register online:



Please note an online booking fee applies.

Payment by card is only available for online entry. Card payment is not available in our office.

Please see section below on ‘Confirmation and Queries’ for more information.

Postal Entries:

You can fill in the Entry Form 2018 and return with appropriate fee to Meath LSP, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, Co. Meath. Please do not send cash in the post. Please make cheque or postal order payable to Meath LSP.

Group Discount:

We are offering a group discount online and in our office. For every 5 spaces booked you will get one place free (5+1). You will need to enter 6 bookings together online in order for the discount to be applied.

Family Spin 11km:

Registration for the 11km Family Spin is available from 2pm on Saturday 28th July in Marquee on Castle Street, Trim. The 11km Family Spin takes place at 5pm on Saturday 28th July. Entry is €5 per person. All children must be able to cycle independently and must be over 6yrs of age. Bikes with stabilisers will be refused entry.

A few things before you get started…

· Make sure that you have decided which route you wish to enter for:

Minimum Age Requirement on 29/07/2018:

11km Family Spin – Age 6 Years +; Stabilisers on bikes are not permitted.

50km Tara Loop – 10 years +

100km Royal Tour – 16 years +

· The entry fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

· The entry fee for the 50km & 100km includes your souvenir jersey, refreshments during and after the event, use of facilities and use of various support services during the event.

· Cheques/Postal Orders should be crossed and made payable to ‘Meath Local Sports Partnership’.

· Euro cheques/postal orders/bank drafts will be accepted

· Under no circumstances should cash be sent in the post

· Please ensure you select the correct route when completing your entry

· Online payments through our online application process will be by arrangement with our partner Eventmaster

· Please note an online entry fee applies


Parental consent for children over 10 years & under 18 years as of 29th July 2018.

· I hereby confirm that my child(as named above) is physically able to cycle the distance selected above and I do not know of any reason which may prevent his/her participation in the cycle tour event. My child has not been advised against participation in physical activity by a qualified medical profession.

· In the event of illness or injury, having parental responsibility for the above named child, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider, or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child should require emergency hospital treatment, I authorise a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication.

· I give my consent to Meath LSP and agents acting on their behalf, for my child`s image, voice and video to be captured as a participant of the cycle tour event for promotional activity and reporting purposes. I further give consent to Meath LSP to use this image within the scope of their social media platforms. I understand that Meath LSP will take all steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes they are intended.

· I confirm that all details are correct to the best of my knowledge and I am able to give parental consent for my child to participate in the cycle tour event.


· By purchasing an entry into the cycle tour event, you consent to being filmed, photographed, videotaped, have your voice recorded or be otherwise recorded, by Meath LSP or its agents, and you agree that Meath LSP may reproduce your name, voice and consent to being broadcasted, published, displayed or distributed (commercial or otherwise) without any compensation being paid to you, at the discretion of Meath LSP. I understand that Meath LSP will take all steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes they are intended.

· I understand the risks involved with attending the cycle tour event that may include, but not limited to: falls, slips, contact and/or crashes with other participants, effects of weather including heat and/or humidity, cold, hazards posed by spectators or other participants, man-made or natural obstacles, wild animals and poisonous plants.

· I understand that I should take every precaution to prevent serious injury. I agree to wear a protective cycling helmet AT ALL TIMES DURING MY PARTICIPATION in the cycle tour event.

· I agree to monitor my health while participating in the cycle tour, and will withdraw from the cycle tour immediately and seek medical assistance if I believe continuing will present a risk to myself or other participants.

· I confirm that I will not be under the influence of alcohol or the influence of any drugs, including prescription, illegal or over-the counter medication, which could impair my ability to participate in the cycle tour event. If I am taking medication, I affirm that I have seen a physician and have approval to participate in the cycle tour event while under the influence of medication.

· I attest and verify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for the cycle tour event, and my physical condition has been verified acceptable to participate in the cycle tour event by a medical doctor prior to attending.

· I give my consent to medical treatment in the event of an emergency or other incident, in which, in the reasonable judgment of the on-site personnel, I require medical care including the transfer for hospitalisation.

· I understand that the cycle tour is a non competitive event. I further understand that the cycle tour involves cycling as part of a larger group on public/ private streets where hazards exist.

· I acknowledge that I am aware of the inherent risks involved in the cycle tour event and I assume ALL RISKS INVOLVED WITH THE EVENT.

· Meath LSP reserves the right to reject any entry, and further reserves the right to change the details of the above referenced events without prior notice.

· I understand that my entry fee is non refundable and wrist band numbers are non transferable.


· All participants must wear a hard shell crash helmet.

· No Tri Bars allowed on bikes and no earphones to be worn by cyclists for safety reasons.

· All participants must obey the rules of the road at all times, abide by lead cars and be aware of other road users.

· Participants must obey the instructions of the Gardaí, the Civil Defence and event marshals at all times.

· Participants must follow the road signage for their chosen event.

· Participants must wear their wristband at all times. These will be issued at sign-on along with your jersey & emergency contact numbers.

· Tour officially closes at 2.30pm.

The following age-limits apply:

Royal Tour 100km: participants must be aged 16 or over on 29/07/18

Tara Loop 50km: participants must be aged 10 or over on 29/07/18 (Under 16 must be accompanied by parent/guardian).

Gardai Notice

Gardai wish to bring the following notice to the attention of all cyclists:

All participants of any event on a pubic road must strictly adhere to the rules of the road and all aspects of Road Traffic legislation. In addition, the Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations 1997 (S.I no 182 of 1997) as amended sets out specific road traffic rules for pedal cyclists as follows:

Article 47 (as amended by S.I. no 274 of 1998 Article 9) – Pedal Cyclists

· Not to cycle more than two abreast except when overtaking other cyclists, and then so as not to cause, danger inconvenience or obstruct other traffic or pedestrians

· Overtake in single file

· Obey traffic lights

· go ahead on green if no other road user is endangered

· Stop at sign if red

· If light intermit on green or amber do not cross unless have commenced to do so.

Article 12, Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations 1997 states that a vehicle, (this includes a pedal cycle) shall not be driven wholly or partly along or across a footpath except for access or egress.

Confirmation & Queries


Once we have received your completed entry form and fee you will receive your entry pack by email if you have supplied an email address or by post if not. Entry pack includes your acknowledgement slip, registration pass, route safety information, local map and charity sponsorship card.


Once you have completed the online entry and payment process, you will receive a confirmation email from Eventmaster outlining your entry details, confirmation of payment and link to more information, route map and local map. A REGISTRATION PASS is included in this email which you will need to bring with you to sign in on the day. If you do not receive this email within the hour, please check your spam/junk folder.
If you have any queries about your entry you can contact us as follows (see below):

Meath Local Sports Partnership, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, Co. Meath

Tel: 046-9067337
