Survey must be completed before this Friday - 11th July

Cycling Ireland is preparing its Strategic Plan for 2015-2019.  We would appreciate you giving us a few minutes of your time to input into the review and planning process.  Cycling Ireland membership has exceeded 20,000 members for the first time and all aspects of cycling in Ireland is growing with great success.  We are now planning for the next phase of our growth and how best we deliver for our members.

 As part of the initial review W2 Consulting are conducting an independent survey of our members. It is an anonymous survey and you cannot be identified by your responses.

To complete the survey please click on this link


To thank you for your time all participants will be entered into a draw for a new racing bike (Drag Master Pro) kindly provided by CB bicycle Distribution in Limerick)  plus a number of Irish cycling jerseys.

As further background to the process we encourage you to read a message from the President of Cycling Ireland, Denis Toomey.

Thank you for your input and we look forward to communicating the key findings with you in due course.