In the first of a new features spot on issues that may affect the pursuit of cycling, we look at bullying and will explore in coming weeks different aspects of this serious phenomenon and how to deal with it.

What is Bullying?

Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression and can take many different forms:

· Verbal – threatening consequences, spreading rumours, taunting, name calling, teasing, making sexual/racist/sectarian remarks, highlighting physical appearance or ability, extorting (demanding monetary or physical payout to avoid consequences)

· Psychological – ignoring, excluding, getting people into trouble, talking about individuals behind their backs, making individuals the subject of jokes, writing unpleasant letters/graffiti/texts or emails

· Physical – jostling, kicking, punching, hitting, spitting, biting, tripping, non-contact physical intimidation, theft or destruction of property or personal belongings

· Cyber – messages, emails and social media including voice, text, photographs and video used to
spread rumours, make threats or harass, often anonymously

Cycling Ireland's Safeguarding policy can be found HERE