In the second week of our feature on bullying and how to tackle it we look at how bullying is defined and where it can occur:

How is bullying defined and where does it occur?

· Bullying is conducted by an individual or group against others

· It is behaviour that is intentionally aggravating and intimidating and can occur in social environments such as schools, clubs and other organisations working with children and young people

· Bullying can also occur in the workplace, in volunteer settings between adults and in competitive scenarios

Cycling Ireland's Safeguarding Policy can be found HERE

Week 1 Recap

Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression and can take many different forms:

· Verbal – threatening consequences, spreading rumours, taunting, name calling, teasing, making sexual/racist/sectarian remarks, highlighting physical appearance or ability, extorting (demanding monetary or physical payout to avoid consequences)

· Psychological – ignoring, excluding, getting people into trouble, talking about individuals behind their backs, making individuals the subject of jokes, writing unpleasant letters/graffiti/texts or emails

· Physical – jostling, kicking, punching, hitting, spitting, biting, tripping, non-contact physical intimidation, theft or destruction of property or personal belongings

· Cyber – messages, emails and social media including voice, text, photographs and video used to 
spread rumours, make threats or harass, often anonymously