A warm, humid evening greeted the riders on the opening stage of the 2019 Edition of the Tour of Omagh.

The A4 race was first away and was to prove a cagey affair with all early moves covered. The first real action was on the first KOH in Killen with James Mc Kenny from Emyvale heading Jay Mc Cauley from Strabane Lifford. James was to complete a clean sweep of the KOH with Jay also gathering valuable points on each climb.

The race was to remain together until the end with Duncan Halliday from Errigal CC winning the sprint with Davoren Fallon (DCU) and Shane Mc Govern (Smugglers) rounding out the stage 1 podium.

The Women’s race was to prove a much more exciting affair. The W3 group set of with a two-minute start on the W1/W2 group. As the groups approached Drumquin the chase group had only taken twenty seconds from the W3 group. This was all to change on the climb before Castlederg with the chase group closing the gap down to a matter of seconds as they approached the first of the Queen of the Hill . The action on these climbs, and in particular Scraghey, proving crucial. At the bottom of Scraghey four riders Katherine Smyth (Ballymena), Maura Claffey (UCD), Lucy O’Donnell (Kanturk) and Louise Hart (TC Racing) were to surge clear. They were quickly joined by Eileen Burns (Ballymena), Yvonne Doran (Leinster) Hillary Hughes (Westport) and Nikki Taggart (Irish Women’s Commission). These riders very quickly established a 1min 30 Second lead. Cycling Ulster the only team with no one rider in the break were leading the chase but to no avail.

This strong group were to push on and by the finish establish a lead of 3mins 20 Seconds. Maura Claffey of UCD was to win the sprint just pipping the impressive TC rider Hart on the line. Junior Lucy o Donnell was to finish a fine third. Nikki Taggart was to loose time on the lead group in the closing stage but in finishing just over two minute of the chase group will wear the new W3 jersey on tomorrow morning stage.

Tomorrow morning the riders face a 2.1 mile TT and then tomorrow afternoon the rider will venture towards Carrickmore and the mighty Malabhui (twice) before heading back towards Omagh.

Stage 1 – A4

1. Duncan Halliday (Errigal CC)

2. Davoren Fallon (DCU CC)

3. Shane McGovern (Smugglers CC)

4. Paul Little (Breffni Wheelers)

5. Jamie McMahon (DB CC)

6. Eamonn Baxter (Smugglers CC)

7. Ryan Henderon (Clann Eireann)

8. Shauni Holian (Errigal CC)

9. Nicky Gormley (Carn Wheelers)

10. Ian McAllister (Newry Wheelers)

Stage 1 – Women’s

1. Maura Claffey (UCD CC)

2. Louise Hart (TC Racing)

3. Lucy O’Donell (O’Leary Stone Kanturk)

4. Hilary Hughes (Westport Covey Wheelers)

5. Katharine Smyth (Ballymena RC)

6. Eileen Burns (Ballymena RC)

7. Yvonne Doran (Cycling Leinster)

8. Nikki Taggart (Women’s Cycling Ireland)

9. Eva Brennan (Women’s Cycling Ireland)

10. Sharon Bird (Ballymena RC)