EGM December 7th 2015

White River House Hotel, Toomebridge 7pm


Notice of Delegates per Club & Club Nominations clarification


The listing of all Cycling Ulster Clubs and number of delegates per club can be found here. The number of delegates per club has been calculated based on the club size on the date of the original CU AGM, October 24th 2015 and is in accordance with the CU constitution.


There is an updated club nominations list below, as there were two nominations from clubs which were received in time but not listed originally. These were for:


Aaron Wallace as 1 of 4 Executive Posts by Newry Wheelers and


Anthony Mitchell as Honorary Secretary and for 1 of 4 Executive Officer positions by Bandbridge CC



Delegates are reminded that there is only one of order of business at this EGM. To complete the election for the posts below the elections will take place once the quorum has been reached in line with the CU constitution. The meeting will be chaired by Cycling Ireland CEO Geoff Liffey.


1.     Honorary Chairperson

1.      Carl Fullerton by Four Masters CC & Strabane Lifford CC

2.      Maurice McAllister by Ballymoney CC, Carn Wheelers, Clan Eireann CC, Dunloy CC, Errigal CC, Foyle CC, Island Wheelers & Kings Moss CC



2.     Honorary Secretary

1.      Anthony Mitchell by Ballymoney CC, North Down CC & Powerhouse Sport

2.      Carl Fullerton by Four Masters CC & Strabane Lifford CC

3.      Patrick Withers by CC


3.     Honorary Treasurer

1.      Carl Fullerton by Four Masters CC & Strabane Lifford CC

2.      Oliver Hunter by Bann Valley Wheelers



4.     Lead Safeguarding Officer

1.      Lisa Millar by Dromara CC



5.     1 of 4 Executive Officer Positions

1.      Aaron Wallace by Bandbridge CC, Old Bleach CC & VC Glendale

2.      Andrew Duncan by Northern CC

3.      Anthony Mitchell by Ballymoney CC, North Down CC & Powerhouse Sport

4.      Carl Fullerton by Four Masters CC & Strabane Lifford CC

5.      Con McGeever by AAA Cycling Club

6.      Eileen Burns by Ballymena Road Club

7.      Jason McHugh by Four Masters CC

8.      Martin Grimley by Dromara CC

9.      Maurice McAllister by Ballymoney CC, Carn Wheelers, Clan Eireann CC, Dunloy CC, Errigal CC, Foyle CC, Island Wheelers & Kings Moss CC

10. Nicola McKiverigan by Powerhouse Sport

11. Patrick Withers by CC

12. Peter McBride by AAA Cycling Club