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Cycling Ireland

Update on What's Happening In Cycling Ireland

Medals, Events, Updates and more; What's Happening in Cycling

What an incredible couple of weeks we have had! Across all the disciplines we have seen top performances on the international and national stage!

This week we saw Ryan Mullen storming home with a BRONZE MEDAL in the Elite Men's Time Trial at the European Road Championships, as well as a host of impressive performances from the whole team.

Young LARA GILLESPIE made Irish history, becoming the first Irish cyclist to win a medal at the European Youth Olympic Festival - bringing home silver in the Girl's Time Trial.

On the track our cycling team brought home two silver medals thanks to JB MURPHY and XENO YOUNG, and a bronze courtesy of MARK DOWNEY.

So much has happened over the past few months on the domestic front - with 59 National Titles decided since the end of June! Read the reports from National Championship events HERE

Not to forget the hugely successful Dublin Track Cycling International last month!

Some Events Coming Up

With over 400 events on the Cycling Ireland leisure calendar - you'll not be short of something to do!

One of the next ones up is the Leinster Loop on the 12-13 August, with routes ranging from 12km - 130km! Find out more about it HERE

The Sport Ireland Cycle Series is in full swing, with fantastic feedback from the first three. Next up is the Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford. REGISTER HERE

Are you, have you, or do you know anyone aged under 18 interested in having fun on their bikes? Mountain Bike Fest takes place on Sunday 13th August - MORE DETAILS HERE

Cycling Ireland Updates

Meet the newest member on the Board of Cycling Ireland - Gillian McDarby.

GILLIAN probably doesn't need too much introduction, being an accomplished cyclist, coach, tutor and team manager - as well as holding an impressive professional CV. We look forward to working with her.

In case you missed it, we recently published the GUIDELINES FOR CYCLING ON THE ROAD, and we recommend all cyclists become familiar with it.

Healthy State of Youth Cycling!

We have lots of reasons to be happy with the healthy state of our vibrant youth cycling scene - with the recent results by the likes of Lara Gillespie, Maeve Gallagher and Shay Donley at the European Youth Olympic Festival epitomising the pinnacle of it.

Looking more domestically we were delighted to catch up with riders like U16 XC Champion ADAM MCGARR and the full U14 XC PODIUM at the recent National Championships, to hear how driven they are.

Recently the Women's Commission ran their annual Girl's Summer Camp, in Kippure, and we are happy to publish a series of reports from the girls themselves from the day, starting with this fab report from NAOMI WADE. Watch out HERE for the next instalment!

Last month we worked with Swim Ireland on a ground breaking girls in sport conference called #WePlay: Inspiring Girls in Sport Watch THIS VIDEO for more about the day.

Last month we also saw three National Youth Championships take place - on the track, cross country and downhill mountain biking. At the end of this month youth cyclists switch their focus to the road to compete in the National Youth Road Championships in Carlow - register for the Championships HERE.

Note that the Junior Women's National Championships will also take place at this event - more details to come on the route distance, and times!