Why YOU Need to Support the Proposed Liffey Cycle Route

Over a number of years and following detailed examination of potential routes by independent consultants a route along the North Quays was chosen as being the best option for the proposed Point to Phoenix (P2P) Cycle Route. A public consultation process in 2015 confirmed the overwhelming support for this option. The latest proposal, which diverts cars off the North Quays at Blackhall Place, is a re-affirmation of the overwhelming reasoning behind the riverside as the choice for the proposed segregated cycle route, and a dedicated public transport corridor, over its full length.

We urge all Cycling Ireland members to get behind this iconic proposal for Dublin’s City Centre and recognise the important benefits it will bring for Dublin City.

The prioritising of a riverside cycling and walking and public transport facility will unlock this congested and often dangerous transportation route so that public transport gets to perform at optimum level and cycling works for families, leisure cycling, commuters and shoppers alike. Dublin City also needs to move beyond viewing the Liffey as simply a transport corridor. The original concept of reimagining of the quays over the full length from the Point to the Phoenix Park will enable this, while simultaneously

Increasing mobility capacity for the city’s growing population;

Improving air quality and reducing noise pollution;

Attracting the world’s leading companies and business

Improving the health of all Dubliners.

Improving the public realm space

Boosting the local economy

Bringing more people into the city centre by providing a dedicated public transport corridor

Boosting tourism;

The latest proposal, which will be out in the general media shortly, prioritises public transport and cycling along Dublin’s north quays, as well as the movement of people via the LUAS tram system. The numbers of potential persons carried by the various transport systems is outlined below:

· Bus TrafficPresent bus services along the North Quays run at approximately 100 to 110 services per hour and carry up to 8,000 passengers. This number has the potential to be at least doubled with an improvement in the proposed bus route infrastructure. This could mean carrying up to and over 16,000 passengers per hour at peak times.

· Cycle Traffic - The proposed design of the separated cycle facility along the River Liffey will enable safe and easy passage for cyclists, with an expected peak hour movement of over 1,500 cyclists, which is likely to grow with increased and improved cycle provision citywide. At present the Liffey route, despite its perceived dangers for cyclists, as shown in this video still has over 5,000 cyclists per day.

· LUAS Tram System – Passenger numbers on the LUAS system overall have been growing steadily in the past few years. The Luas, operating along its existing spine parallel to the Liffey on a 4-minute frequency, will carry up to 4,200 people per hour.

· So, between Public Transport and Cycling Provision the proposed routes can carry over 23,000 people per hour. This compares to the potential of Car Traffic - A single inbound lane of car traffic coming into the city centre carries approximately 600 cars per hour maximum. With an average occupancy of 1.35 per vehicle that equates to approximately 800 people per hour.

From the above figures, it can be clearly seen why support for the proposed initiative, is a real No-Brainer and makes sense for the viable economic future of our City Centre.

We urge all Cycling Ireland members in the Dublin Area to get behind this proposal and to contact your local City Councillor to urge them to do the same!

Find your Councillors by clicking HERE