Details have been announced for 4 winter training camps which will take place over the coming months to help women riders structure their winter training and build their confidence before next season. The camps will cater for both beginners & more experienced riders.

The first camp takes place on 7th December at the Osprey Hotel in Naas. Beginner, intermediate and advanced training spins will be held in the morning, followed by lunch and a chance to meet fellow riders. In the afternoon there will be a talk on the Principles of Training from Gillian McDarby of Peak Endurance Coaching and a talk on Strength & Conditioning for Cyclists from Dromara's Mary Hunter.

The other training camps will take place on the following dates
Saturday 11th January
Saturday 8th February
Saturday8th March
These camps have been organised by the National Women's Commission and local clubs and are well worth attending. The aim is to encourage newcomers and to help existing riders with their winter training plans
For more information or to sign up to this camp contact