Last weekend saw the Women’s Commission Development Team compete well at the 2016 Manx International GP Feminin in the Isle of Man. The young team competed over two laps of the challenging course, with Claire McIlwaine being the top Irish finisher in 13th place. The team saw Eileen Burns finish in 19th place and junior riders Ciara Doogan and Emily Birchall finishing 21st and 22nd respectfully. Former Irish National Champion Fiona Meade finished 28th in the event which was round 1 of the British Series.

Speaking after the event National Development Coach Frank O’Leary who travelled with the women said “great to have Irish girls competing in the Manx international, it is an iconic event which included two ascents of Sne Falle, this was not going to be an easy task but they acquitted themselves really well, it was fantastic having an experienced rider like Fiona along to mentor them in their first international event as a women’s commission development team. Also, having the experience of Claire Moore on the management team really helped to make our participation a brilliant learning experience for the team. It was the first opportunity for these riders experience at an international level, and I’m very happy with how they performed, these riders are progressing well.”


The Women's Commission of Cycling Ireland have announced the team that will be competing in the Manx International Cycling GP Feminin on the 10th April. The race, which is part of the British Cycling Women's Series takes place in the Isle of Man. The race which has been reignited after 13 years will be two laps of the iconic 37.75 miles TT course, taking place on fully closed roads. 

The team, which will be managed by multiple national champion and former international rider Claire Moore, consists of power house Eileen Burns, Claire McElwaine who has been dominant on the domestic scene this year, national junior riders Ciara Doogan and Emily Birchall, and will be mentored by Fiona Meade, who competed in the World Championships in 2015. 

Best of luck to the team. Keep updated on how the team get on through