The Youth Academy AGM has been rescheduled for this weekend, Sunday the 7th of January. The meeting is being held in the Abbeyleix Manor Hotel beginning at 11:30am. The agenda for the meeting is outlined below.

Youth Academy AGM Agenda

1. Adoption of Cycling Ireland Standing Orders

2. Chairman’s Opening Address

3. Minutes of 2016 AGM and matters arising there from.

4. Secretaries Report

5. Treasurer's Report

6. Address from a Cycling Ireland Representative.

7. Cycling Ireland proposal for the introduction of a Youth Commission

8. Finances for 2018.

9. Plans and direction of the Youth Academy for 2018

10. Relationship with HPS in 2018.

11. Election of 2017/2018 Committee

Elections will take place for the following position.

Chairperson , Secretary and Treasurer.

Nominations Received. Dan Curtin for Chairperson. Noel Mulroy Secretary. Michael Mc Kenna Treasurer.

Motions received. Cycling Ireland proposal for the introduction of a Youth Commission .

12. AOB


Youth Academy AGM Minutes 2016.

Please see attached the Minutes for the AGM at the Abbeyleix Manor Hotel in Abbyleix at 11:00am on Sunday 11th of December 2016.

1. Adoption of Cycling Ireland Standing Orders

The Standing Orders were proposed by Con Mc Auliffe and seconded by Martin O Loughlin.

2. Chairman’s Opening Address

Dan Curtin gave his opening address and report and this was proposed by Mick Reidy and Con Mc Auliffe.

3. Minutes of 2015 AGM and matters arising there from.

Anthony Harrison read the minutes and these were proposed by Martin O Loughlin and seconded by Con Mc Auliffe

4. Secretaries Report

The Secretaries report was given by Anthony Harrison

5. Treasurers Report

Michael McKenna gave the Treasurers report and this was proposed by Anthony Harrison and Mick Reidy. Ciaran McKenna explained that Cycling Ireland were moving to banking online and this make thing easier. There were issues with expences getting mixed up between the HPC squad and the Youth Academy and this is now being sorted with the two groups having separate accounts. Michael was to be given a bank card.

6. Address from a cycling Ireland Representative.

Ciaran McKenna addressed the meeting and commented on how fantastic it was to get the Youth Academy riders access to training and racing abroad. He also congratulated the Youth Academy on the progress made and the pathway provided by the Academy into the HPC squad. He also highlighted again that the Youth Academy be in control of their account under the direction of Cycling Ireland.

7. Finances for 2017.

Phillip Wade proposed that Budgets be submitted to Cycling Ireland. I proposed that some of the excess money from Cycling Ireland Leisure group be made available but Ciaran explained that this must go back to promote the leisure side. Also Cycling Ireland are moving from Paypal to STRIPE. Finally there was a proposal that all Provinces hold a Charity Cycle to raise funds for the Youth Academy and the HPS squad.

8. Plans and direction of the Youth Academy for 2018

The French Federation have invited the Youth Academy again for 2017 and also it is intended to include some races in Belgium.

A National Youth Academy training weekend is being organised in February in Castlebar and with U14s and U16s from each province invited. The invitations will be to riders who attend their respective provincial camps first. The format for the weekend is to include a training ride on Sunday and wrap up with talks on Saturday to include Nutrition, Physio, Anti Doping and Child Protection.

Donal O Sullivan asked that there be more transparency in team selection and asked for a points system. Dan informed the meeting that this is already the case.

9. Relationship with HPS in 2017.

Martin and Nicola are happy with how the year went and all the camps went well. There were also some really good results with our youths holding their own in races.

This is a big year with the Youth Olympics and the qualification will start with Watt Bike testing in January and a selection process through races to be announced in the new year.

There will also be no HPS team in Errigal this year

10. Election of 2016/2017 Committee

Anthony Harrison was the only nomination for Secretary and was deemed elected. He was proposed by Orla Hendron and seconded by Con Mc Auliffe.

The Committee was then as follows.

Dan Curtin Chairman, Anthony Harrison Secretary, Michael Mc Kenna Treasurer, Kevin Hayes, Mick Reidy, Phil Holland was proposed and to be ratified by UYA, Phillip Wade, Mick Considine, Orla Hendron, John Horgan and Brigit O Dea Safeguarding rep.

11. AOB.

There was a proposal that Cycling Ireland members that work with Youths and Juniors should have a badge on their licence to highlight that they are covered and in date. This was to be looked into.

Dan closed the meeting.