Members should be aware that the World Anti-Doping Code 2015 has substantially increased the penalty for those involved in an Anti-Doping Rules Violation (ARDV). The penalty for a first offence is now 4 years. This penalty will not only apply to those athletes found guilty of an ADRV but also those Athlete Support Persons (ASPs) involved in complicity. Also an athlete associating with an ASP who has been found guilty of an ADRV will be liable to a sanction of up to 2 years.

Make yourself familiar with the below links: 


The UCI Anti-Doping Rules, which apply to races on the various UCI Racing Calendars, for the 'Clean Sport' Campaign click on the below image. 

Sport Ireland:

For domestic races, these are covered by the Irish Anti Doping rules and these may be viewed by clicking the below image:


Updates can also be found on Sport NI by clicking on the below image: 


The list of Prohibited Substances is updated from time to time, and the current list may also be viewed on the WADA website - this is the World Anti-Doping Agency.

*Alternatively a copy may be obtained by contacting the Anti-Doping Officer at Kelly Roche House.

General Guidance

Under the Irish Anti-Doping Rules members are held to the “strict liability” standard, i.e., they are responsible for any prohibited substance found in their system. All riders (senior/women/junior/veteran) should be aware that they may be required to submit themselves for Anti-Doping Tests, at any time, in an out-of-competition test, or at the end of a race. However for out-of-competition testing this is more likely to apply to those riders in receipts of government funding (carded cyclists).

It is therefore necessary to ensure that any dietary supplement, that includes for example energy bars, pre, during and post competition drinks, vitamin, mineral, herbal or ergogenic aids do not contain any substance that could lead to an adverse finding in the event of an Anti- Doping Test.

Cycling Ireland would recommend, based on research, the avoidance of all supplements.

Athletes can easily check out the status of medications on the following websites:

Drugs bought in the Republic of Ireland:

Drugs bought in Northern Ireland:

It is important to check the relevant websites (all mentioned above) for updates to the Rules, TUE’s and the Banned List as WADA, International Federations and National Anti-Doping Organisations can make changes periodically.
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE’s)

It is now possible, under defined conditions, to take medication which is on the current Prohibited List, by submitting a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) application form to the appropriate authority, normally 21 days prior to the next race in which it is intended to compete. Prior to competition it will be necessary to receive from the appropriate authority, an acknowledgment that the TUE has been granted. Under specific emergency conditions, this process can be speeded up.
Notwithstanding those athletes who are not deemed to be an International Athlete or a National Athlete, normally those who are not on the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) in the event of an Adverse Analytical Finding will be able to request a Retroactive TUE.

Criteria for granting a TUE can be found on the Sport Ireland website:


Further information may be obtained from Cycling Ireland’s Medical Officer or Anti-Doping Officer at Kelly Roche House or by reference to Sport Ireland’s Anti- Doping Unit at +353 1 860 8800.
Athletes with Asthma.

Those athletes suffering from asthma and who require medication to control this should check out their medication on the above medication-check websites. 

Athletes should be aware that all medication whether prescribed or bought over the counter and consumed in the 14 days prior to being required for an Anti Doping Test should be recorded on their Doping Control Form (DCF). The same applies to any supplements consumed.

Warning: All beta-2 agonists including formoterol, salbutamol or salmeterol by any other administration route other than inhaled are prohibited.

Of interest to prescribers is the WADA Document - Medical Information to Support the Decisions of TUECs - Asthma, Version 4.0, December 2011

Athletes can easily check out the status of their asthma medications, bought in the Republic of Ireland, checking the ‘Drugs in Sport Database’ on EIRPHARM.

Medications bought in Northern Ireland should be checked on GLOBALDRO.

Athletes must remember to declare all asthma medications on the Doping Control Form when they are drug tested.

Recreational Drugs

Included in the prohibited list are the following classes of drugs:

• Non-specified stimulants, e.g., amphetamines, cocaine;
• Specified stimulants , e.g., ephedrine and pseudoephedrine above certain concentrations – pseudoephedrine is found in many common cold remedies such as Benylin, Sinutab etc. and these products should not be taken within 24 hours of a competition;
• Narcotics, e.g., heroin, methadone, morphine;
• Cannabinoids, e.g., cannabis.

Members are advised that traces of recreational drugs can remain in one’s system for considerable periods after consumption, for frequent users it can even be 77 days, 30 days average for frequent users (Saugy, M. et al. Cannabis and sport. In Br J Sports Med, No. 40, 2006, p. i14).