2014 saw a dramatic rise in Ireland of cyclist fatalities. A total of 12 cyclists died on Irish roads, marking a massive 240% increase over 2013 figures. 2015 hasn't been much better, with 9 cyclists fatalities. This was accompanied by a dramatic 59pc increase in injuries among cyclists. We as a country, need to do everything in our power to aim these horrific road deaths towards zero. Minimum Passing Distance Law (MPDL) can act as a vital tool in the bigger tool box of changes we can make to help achieve this aim. Other jurisdictions who have witnessed such alarming increases have seen fit to enact safe overtaking laws pertaining to cyclists.

These now include 26 US states, France, Belgium, Portugal, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Sth Australia. Queensland, Australia is currently trialing this safe passing law with some initial success; so much so that the A.C.T. has begun a trial of their own. New South Wales set to do so in early 2016. Video of Queensland's implementation of its trial of this safe overtaking law:

Some initial feedback from the Queensland trial below:

Stayin' Alive at 1.5 website for further info below:

***********************PLEASE ADD YOUR SIGNATURE!************************ ***************HELP CYCLISTS STAY SAFE ON IRISH ROADS!***************

As a cyclist, and vulnerable road user the need for self preservation makes you ride defensively, taking every possible danger in to account. The only danger that you can’t see is the one that is coming from behind. Cyclists hope that other road users overtaking are obeying the road rules and keeping their distance, but unfortunately at the moment, that distance is not defined. This creates a situation where cyclists take to the roads with a great degree of uncertainty.

Having a defined passing distance of 1.5 metres would provide certainty for motorists, avoiding the problem of some drivers judging incorrectly and passing too close to a cyclist. There are several other reasons too as to why this rule is important to members of the cycling community. The left side of the road where cyclists are expected to cycle is normally the part of the road where pot-holes are and debris and glass accumulate. In urban areas it’s the section of road that most likely will have drainage and man-holes.

Bicycle tyres are narrow and puncture more easily than other vehicles so ideally the cyclist will try to avoid these hazards. Crosswinds too cause cyclists to slightly deviate from a predicted line. Some steep hills also cause slight wobbles in the effort to stay balanced. In a nutshell bicycles are not cars, they are less predictable, they travel more slowly and can’t see what’s behind them. They swerve to avoid obstacles and they have no steel shell or air bags to protect them. I seems obvious that for the rules of the road to be respected, they need to be clear.

This 1.5 metre rule would help to create an environment of safer cycling across the board giving cyclists a 1.5 metre cushion when being passed by a motorist. It is also a great piece of legislation to educate the public about how much space to leave when safely passing a cyclist. Put simply government and the Gardaí would have a standard to measure what is a safe overtake in relation to cyclists. Furthermore the passing of the safe overtaking law would acknowledge cyclists as legitimate road users, a point not shared by some motorists. Enacting the 1.5 metre safe overtaking law would also serve back up the Road Safety Authority’s recommendation.

What would this law mean for Irish cyclists?

It would mean improved safety by providing a definition of a specified overtaking distance.
It would recognise cyclists as legitimate road users who are more vulnerable than other drivers.
It would recognise a cyclist’s need to the protection of a defined space whilst sharing the road with other road users. It would provide motorists with a clear, unambiguous, easily recognised measure when overtaking cyclists – otherwise motorists must slow down and wait.
It could reduce the risk of cyclist/motorist crashes and also cyclist crashes caused by being side-swiped (not necessarily hit) by motor vehicles.
It would be enforceable, in that such a clear law would allow a Garda or witness to readily evaluate a driver’s actions either through eyewitness or camera footage.
It would provide cyclists with space to avoid obstacles (e.g. pot-holes, glass, etc.)
It would ultimately assist in reducing cyclist fatalities and serious injuries.